Higher Education Student Information
The follow documentation applies to prospective students, and higher education students currently enrolled at Easton College.
Course Information
- Degree & Higher Education Prospectus - Find out the information you require in our Degree & Higher Education Prospectus.
- HE Student Handbook - The current student handbook gives you a set of key information that our current students are provided with.
- Course Fees and Eligibility Statement - Learn about the fees you will be required to pay. More information on student finances is also available here.
- Student Protection Plan - Applicable to HE Students joining from September 2019, and covers the events and situations that have the potential to prevent a student from finishing their course, and the mitigations in place to keep the risk to students low. In the rare event that we are not able to preserve the delivery of courses the plan cross references to our Refund and Compensation policy, held within our Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Students (terms and conditions).
Admission Statement and Procedure - The College's approach to managing admissions is detailed here.
Admissions & Review - This procedure guides our approach to reviewing admissions related issues.
Access and Participation Plan
- 2019/20 Access and Participation Plan - by the former Easton and Otley College - This plan covered the 2019/20 academic year, and detailed how the former Easton and Otley College intended to improve equality of opportunity for underrepresented groups to access, succeed in and progress from Higher Education. This plan has been replaced by the 2020/21 to 2024/5 Access and Participation Plan.
- 2020/21 to 2024/25 Access and Participation Plan and 2020/21 to 2024/25 Access and Participation Summary - This plan applies to students enrolling in the period 2020/21 to 2024/5, and details how the College will improve equality of opportunity for underrepresented groups to access, succeed in and progress from Higher Education.
- Approved Annual Fee Summary 2024/25
Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Students (terms and conditions) - Understand the key rules and regulations that you will be asked to commit to when you become a CCN student. This includes details of our Refund and Compensation policy, and applies to all HE students.
Norfolk Regulatory Framework (rules and regulations) - This document outlines the academic rules by which our Higher Education programmes are managed. Applies to all students commencing HE courses at Easton College prior to Academic Year 2021-22.
- PI Regulations for Bachelors and Foundation Degree Awards at UEA 2023-24 - Applies to all students enrolling on HE courses at Easton College from Academic Year 2021-22 onwards.
Student Policies
- Academic Appeals / Academic Complaints Procedure - This outlines our academic appeals and academic complaints procedure.
- Anti-Bullying and Harassment Procedure.
- Assessment Policy for Higher Nationals (HNC/HND) Students
- City College Norwich Higher Education Assessment and Cheating Policies.
- Code of Conduct.
- Concession Request Form v1.0.
College’s Ways of Working - The Ways of Working underpin the way our students and staff work together.
- Compliments, Concerns and Complaints Procedure - This procedure outlines how students can raise complaints and concerns about non-academic issues.
Equality and Diversity Statement - As a College we are committed to Equality and Diversity and this document details those commitments.
- Guidance on the Use of Artificial Intelligence.
- HE Academic Misconduct.
- HE Student Engagement - This procedure outlines the process to be followed when a student who, for reasons of mental, emotional and/or physical health, or financial concerns, struggles to cope with the demands of their course.
- PI External Examiner System for Awards Policy and Process 2023-24 - UEA appointment of EE.
- PI Framework for the Approval of Concessions 2023-24.
- PI Notice to Students Interrupting their Study 2023-24.
- PI Guidance on Assessing Group Work 2022-23
- PI Plagiarism and Collusion Policy 2023-24.
- PI Policy on Internal Moderation and Double Marking 2023-24.
- PI Remarking Policy 2023-24.
- PI RPL Policy 2023-24 - This outlines the process for applicants who wish to apply for recognition of prior learning, including prior experiential learning.
- Policy on Plagiarism and Collusion - Guidance on Investigating Suspected Cases.
- Prevent Strategy
- Preventing and addressing sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual misconduct and on-line
sexual abuse - Professional Misconduct & Unsuitability - For programmes with Professional Standards attached to them, this policy outlines our approach to managing problems.
- Proof Reading Guidance - This document provides guidance to students about acceptable behaviours and practices when seeking proof reading support.
- Refund and Compensation / within Rules, Regulations and Procedures for Students.
- Research Ethics Policy.
- School of HE Artificial Intelligence Guidance - This provides guidance on the appropriate use of Artificial Intelligence by HE students.
- Safeguarding Procedure.
- Reasonable Adjustments Procedure.
Student Charter - Developed with our students, our HE Student Charter outlines our shared commitment to making your HE experience at the college a success.
- Student Disciplinary Procedure - This procedure outlines the steps involved in our student disciplinary procedure.
- Student IT Acceptable Use.
- Student Transfer Policy - this policy describes the process for students seeking to transfer between higher education providers, or between courses at City College Norwich.
- Wellbeing Strategy.
Transparency Data - Office for Students
- Transparency Data 2023 (based on 2021/22 qualifiers) - This page shows application and admissions data for recognised, undergraduate higher education courses that we have received from UK domiciled applicants.