T Level: Laboratory Sciences, Level 3
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Level 3 -
2 years -
Start Date
September 2024 -
Easton College -
Course Code
You will gain core knowledge in a variety of areas such as health and safety, scientific and clinical practices, scientific methodology, experimental equipment and techniques, and ethics.
You will then specialise in aspects of laboratory science such as atomic structures, molecular structure and bonding, metabolic pathways and bioenergetics, genotyping and nuclear physics. Alongside this, you will also perform a wide range of scientific techniques using appropriate equipment and process and analyse laboratory data.
As part of this course, you will complete a mandatory “on the job” industry placement (315hrs) with an employer to develop your practical and technical skills.
Entry Requirements
Five GCSEs at grade 4 or above including at least two Science subjects at grade 5 or above and English and Maths at grade 4 or above. The Science subjects can be separate or combined GCSEs. A Merit or above in BTEC Level 2 Applied Science may be considered in place of Science GCSEs.
The objectives of this qualification are to equip students with:
- the core knowledge and core skills relevant to science
- up-to-date occupational knowledge and skills that have continued currency amongst employers and others
- the necessary English, mathematics and digital skills
- threshold competence that meets employer expectations and is as close to full occupational competence as possible
- opportunities to manage and improve their own performance
Assessment will take place through a combination of externally set exams, an employer-set project and endpoint synoptic assessments.
You could enter employment or start an Apprenticeship. You can also progress on to university level courses. The T Level study programme is eligible for UCAS points. Please check the UCAS website for more information.
Career Progression
Successful completion of this course will allow you to progress onto a career working in laboratories within the science and health industries.
Students who achieve this qualification could progress to the following, depending on their chosen occupational specialism:
- employment: science technician (for example, food technologist, laboratory technician, metrology technician)
If you are a UK or home fee status student and aged 16-18 on the 31st August before the start of your course, tuition fees are free. If you are aged 19 and over fees may be payable.
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